Poultry By-product Rendering

Poultry By-product Rendering

Feather Rendering

Fat and Oil Rendering

Protein Meal Production

Blood Meal Production
Industries We Serve
Serving Diverse Industries with Sustainable Products
We provide essential products for a wide range of industries, all produced from poultry waste and waste fats. By partnering with us, industries can meet their sustainability goals while benefiting from high-quality materials.
Animal Feed
Our rendered protein meals and feather meal provide essential nutrients for animal feed, supporting livestock and poultry industries with sustainable feed ingredients.
We supply protein meals and blood meal for use in fertilizers that enrich soil and promote healthy crop growth, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices.
Renewable Energy
Our biodiesel fuels industrial machinery, vehicles, and other heavy-duty equipment, providing a clean, renewable alternative to conventional diesel.
Industrial Applications
Our rendered tallow is used in various industrial processes, including soap production, lubricants, and bio-based materials.